Saturday, 2 April 2016

My Birthday Spa Day at the Pure Beauty Salon and Spa, Toronto

On Thursday I celebrated my 62nd birthday. It was a workday and Teena had obligations so I took the day off ( I have never worked my birthday in my life) and Teena went to work. We don't buy presents for each other on our birthdays but instead treat each other to a spa day. Today Teena took me to the Pure Beauty Salon and Spa in the Trump International Hotel and Tower.

The spa is located on the Towers' 31rst floor, with a salt water lap pool and hot tub located a floor above.

I love a hot tub!

Teena treated me to my first bamboo massage. Stella was my RMT and was fabulous. She sat me down, explained and took five minutes to explain how bamboo massage works. Then I was up on the heated table and my treatment was underway.

The tools of the trade. Lots of hot oil is used with them. Smaller lengths are used for arms and legs and the longer ones for larger area. Many times more than one is used. They are rolled or slid width wise or length wise across the skin. I could feel tight muscles turn into jelly.

The waiting area for between treatments. It's a great view from the 31rst floor.

Next up was a men's facial with Glenna. It was an hour long with steam, washes, hot towels, arms and shoulder massage and many face and head massages. I was surprised the treatment took place in a private room. It felt terrific and I fell asleep a few times. Apparently I snored a little. Ha!

My face does feel so much better. It was quite dry before.

Our final treatment was a pedicure, which Glenna also looked after.

Bubbly matches so well with a pedicure!

The treatment included a hot paraffin wax treatment. Our feet were immersed in a plastic bag of wax, then a cotton boot was placed over them, and then they were placed in an electric foot blanket. So warm!

Thanks for a great spa day, Teena. I know this isn't a cheap place but I look and feel great and had a fabulous day!

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