Friday, 14 April 2023

The Elk Whistle Warrior Society by Rick Revelle

I really enjoy books by Indigenous authors and Rick Revelle's new novel, The Elk Whistle Warrior Society is no exception.  

It was 650 years ago, on the shores of Sewitakan Zaaga´igan (see-wit-akan saw-ga-e-kan: Salt Lake) now known as Big Quill Lake in central Saskatchewan, east of Saskatoon, a group of young Anishinaabe and Cree teenagers made a life-changing decision. The two young women, who went by the names Wâpikwan (wah-pi-kwan: Flower) and Gidagizi Gidagaakoons (ged a gay zay Ged ah ga cones: Spotted Fawn), decided to start a warrior group led by females who would look after and defend the women and children of their bands with the aid of selected male warriors. That night on the shores of the Salt Lake they tattooed their bodies. The boys with two crossed feathers on their left calves, the girls with the same feathers on their right shoulders. The feathers signified the strength of the sexes held together and led by women. They named their group in the Ani-shi-na-abe language Omashkooz Gwiishkoshim Ogichidaa (o mush koos gwish ko shim o gich e dah) and in Cree they were called Wâwâskêsiw Kwêskosîwin Nôtinkêwiýiniw. In the gichi-mookomaan (white man''s) tongue they are known as the Elk Whistle Warrior Society. 

This is contemporary story with historic roots. It takes place in modern times.

Stepped in history, it's a story of revenge and justice set in today's world. It's exciting, brutal and definitely a page turner. 

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