Sunday, 12 October 2014

Looking for Colour at the Chester Hill St. Lookout

Today Teena and I headed over to the Chester Hill Lookout which is in the Danforth/Broadview area and overlooks the Don Valley. As it is fall and Thanksgiving weekend, we were hoping to take some nice shots of the fall colours. Above is a view looking across the valley towards Bloor and Yonge.

It has been three years since we were last there. Chester Hill Street is quite quaint.


A view of Evergreen Brick Works.

Teena and I.


Some colour in Don Valley. We had hoped there would be more fall colours.


Looking towards downtown Toronto.


Finally some colour of a vine that was attempted to crawl through the railing. Chester Hill Lookout provides one of my favorite views of Toronto. We plan to head back in the winter.

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