Tuesday, 25 March 2014

Wow! What a Gift! The Beer of the Month Club.

I came home tonight and there was a box on the dining room table. Naturally I figured it was for Teena, as she gets a lot of things delivered, but was surprised to find it was for me.

On top there was a birthday card from ... our two cats, Morgan and Crumpet!

I could see the top of beer bottles and knew it was something really good.

It seems that Teena the cats looked high and low for a beer club and found one at Amazing Clubs. There are 22 gourmet clubs to choose from and, of course, she they chose the Beer of the Month Club

The Beer of the Month Club is the perfect gift for any beer lover! Each month we'll deliver 12 full-sized bottles of hard-to-find, specialty microbrews from award-winning Canadian and international breweries. Each shipment will include up to four different varieties of premium, hand-crafted beer carefully selected by our experts and brewed in limited quantities by master brewers. We sample hundreds of microbrewed beers every year and only the best-of-the-best become selections of the Beer of the Month Club.


This month I received two different style beers from Italian brewery Theresianer and two from Griffin Gastropub. Three of each! It comes with a newsletter that speaks about the brewery and the beers, plus some helpful beer facts.

You know that these will be future Beers of the Week! It's fun to know that there is five more months of beer deliveries ahead of me.

Thanks Morgan! Thanks Crumpet! Thanks Teena (I knew you had something to do with this)!

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