Saturday, 5 December 2009

NAC - Day 1

I am in Pittsburgh this weekend for two fencing competitions.

This afternoon was the NAC (North American Cup) for Veteran Sabre for those 50-59 years old. Finally after a month full of tournaments against fast university types, I get to play with kids my own age.

The day started with my lame (metallic jacket) failed the equipment check so off I went to get a new one. Usually they run $200 or more. I got lucky, though, as the first vendor I checked had their jackets marked down from $150 to just $100. Gabby, who fences foil at my club Bladeworks and is in Pittsburgh for the 60-69 foil event, happened by with his wife, Rifka. Seems they know the owners. Not surprising as Gabby knows everyone.

Rifka helped my with the sizing and I came away with a shiny new lame ... oh, and a new sabre. Couldn't turn it down as it was so light and well-balanced. It was only $50 too so I saved big on it. Gabby, Rifka and I had our picture taken (below) and off I went to have it tested and get my name stenciled on.

The lettering takes about an hour so I grabbed a bite to eat, went back to pick up the lame and there it was:



Sorry, that should be CAN for Canada. He was good about it and bought me another lame. Thank goodness they still had one left my size and put a rush on the lettering. It was ready about 10 minutes before the start.

I did not have a great day on the piste. Teena says I am too hard on myself but today I felt I should have done much better than placing 17th place out of 24 fencers. I did not feel aggressive but that will change tomorrow. My friend, Vince, was watching me and said that I am thinking too much instead of acting.

He is quite right. I am trying to figure out my opponent's game and not playing my own. Tomorrow morning that will change. A new and improved Gord will be hitting the piste for the 40 and over event.

I'm looking for that good day that has been avoiding me since the Commonwealths. Tomorrow I hope will be it.

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