Sunday, 8 January 2017

Snowshoeing at Highlands Nordic

After having a great time last week snowshoeing with Trakkers Cross Country Ski ClubTeena and I both joined the club. It is well-run and it's so nice to ride in a comfortable highway coach bus to and from the resort. The roads today were quite bad and we saw the result of a few accidents on the road. Both of us felt better riding the bus rather than driving.

Highlands Nordic is located just below Collingwood. The weather was quite cold when we arrived but we were prepared and layered up.

Leaving the lodge.

At the start of the trail.

On the trail. We covered 4.5 km during the day. It was a hard 4.5 km!

Although there is no snow int Toronto, there was plenty here.

It was a fun and exhausting trek. It had snowed and the trails either were not packed down very well or not at all. Makes for heavy going but much more fun!

Ducking under a fallen tree.

More trail shots.

Happy and cold.

Larry's Glacier was steep and very challenging.

The snow is half way up the fences.

It was a funexhilarating day. At the start, we warmed up pretty quick and started to take off some of our layers but as we reached the peak, it was quite cold and windy, so the layers were put back on.

We're looking forward to our next outing with the club.

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