Monday, 29 December 2014

The ROM Part 1 -Canada, then Lot's of Dinosaurs

I haven't been to the Royal Ontario Museum (aka the ROM) since Ken was a little kid, which means about thirty years ago. It had been some time for Teena too so today we decided to head there for the afternoon.

The Royal Ontario Museum was formally created by the signing of the ROM Act in the Ontario Legislature on April 16, 1912. When the Duke of Connaught, then Governor-General of Canada, opened the new building to the public at 3:00 pm on March 19, 1914, it instantly became an object of pride for Toronto.

The intervening years brought several expansions. By the late 1920s, collections and staff were competing for space and the crowding had become intolerable. The first addition took place during the Great Depression and an effort was made to use mostly local building materials. Excavation was done by hand, using picks, shovels, and horse-drawn wagons. On October 12, 1933, Toronto newspapers reported that a newly opened wing facing Queen’s Park was a “masterpiece of architecture”.

In 2007, after a $30 million donation from Michael Lee-Chin, another expansion took place and was appropriately named the Michael Lee-Chin Crystal after the crystal shaped design of the wing.

When you first walk in, you are greeted by a Futalognkosaurus. Big body but a very small head!

We started in the Canada Gallery and then moved to Canada's First People. I found Canada was just a lot of furniture but the First People Gallery was very interesting. This is a bust of British General Brock and Shawnee war chief Tecumseh, allies in the War of 1812. The short sabre behind is from 1755 and belonged to another British General,


This is a collection of of paintings from famed Canadian illustrator Rex Woods, who has been called Canada's Norman Rockwell.

Some First Nation's clothing.

This is a Condolence Cane. On it there are 50 carved pictographs which represent the hereditary titles of Haudenosaunee Confederacy Chiefs, grouped by nation.


This is a House Post which was used inside Northwestern peoples homes to hold up the roof.

A native warrior's club. It looks as if it could cave in a skull.

A club, a tomahawk pipe and knife.

A ceremonial pipe.

The bottom of a totem pole from the west coast, which is as tall as the museum.

The staircase makes an interesting shot.

Time for some dinosaurs.

This one has a freaky skull.


Real prehistoric bones and creatures. 


Look at the size of this ancient turtle.

Prehistoric fish.

Fierce creatures.

Look at those teeth.

This is a beaver dinosaur which could  grow up to 200 pounds.

I did this trip in two posts. The next post has mummies!

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