Tuesday, 22 January 2013

Movie Review - The Last Stand

When I saw the first preview for The Last Stand with Arnold Schwarzenegger, I knew I would be seeing it the first week it opened.

The leader of a drug cartel busts out of a courthouse and speeds to the Mexican border, where the only thing in his path is a sheriff and his inexperienced staff.

This is not just Arnold coming back to movies, but coming back in a big way! (Yes, I'm avoiding the obvious line!) In many ways, this is a typical Arnold movie, fast paced, funny, violent and a whole lot of fun!

Yes, and Arnold does have his usual great lines,throughout the movie and the audience ate them all up. Johnny Knoxville was terrific too as a bit of a nut helping out the sheriff  and I enjoyed Luis Guzman as the reluctant deputy. No movie like this can be any good without a decent villain and Eduardo Noriega as fugitive on the fly Gabriel, was delightfully cool and evil.

One thing I enjoyed about the movie is that Arnold does acknowledge his age, but can still pack a punch!

Saying any more may give away the plot. I can only say that I give this an 8/10 and would place it in my favorite top 5 Arnold movies.

Welcome back Arnie!

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