Sunday, 11 November 2012

Remembrance Day Ceremony at Fort York

Today is Remembrance Day, they day we pay tribute to those who died fighting for this country, fought for this country, or has served this country in any way.

Fort York, in partnership with the Imperial Order Daughters of the Empire, puts on a very nice service at the Strachan Avenue Military Cemetery on Garrison Common.  Teena and I went there again today for the ceremony.

The ceremony was very well attended as always. We sang Oh Canada, listened to prayers and readings by Reverend Dr. John D. Hartley, a reading of In Flanders Fields and then came the last post and two minutes of silence.


The silence was ended by a lament on the bagpipes, then reveille and the laying of the wreaths. After singing God Save the Queen, the procession march off to the Fort. I am always proud of how the veterans in attendance are applauded as they leave.


As the soldiers dressed in 1812 uniforms marched by the veterans, the Sergeant ordered "Eyes Right!" and in unison all heads turned to the vet as they marched by and saluted.

After the ceremony those in attendance pinned their poppies to a wreath. Today is important to remember and I'm glad that this ceremony and others in the city are so well though of and attended.

Some more pictures.


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