Saturday, 16 July 2011

Weird Al Yankovic in Concert

I am not a Weird Al Yankovic fan.

Interesting that he became famous doing what we used to do in front of our class in grade 4. Good for him, though!

It was 12:55 and I went down the hall to do something before heading to the "Y" to hit the pool for a workout. When I came back down the hall at 1, Teena was sitting in her spot on the couch with a grin. "Can I bounce something off you? We can get tickets for Weird Al this afternoon at 3! Do you want to go? I'll pay."

Hey, why not?

So we showered, changed and off we went.

The show was being taped for a TV special. There were cameras everywhere and audience members were being moved to better seats to show a fuller audience. I imaging the night show would be more jammed.

Not being a fan, I did not know the words to his songs. His fame is in taking famous songs and adding humorous lyrics. My biggest complaint of the concert was that the sound wasn't great, and I could not make out most of what he was singing. Teena and the rest of his fans did not have a problem as the knew the words and were all singing along.

I will say that he has a lot of energy on stage. He also does many costume changes and between songs video would be put up from Weird Al TV or clips from TV shows where he has been joked about.

Fans definitely got their money's worth as the concert was about two and a half hours long. Teena loved the show. I thought it was so-so. Check out her review here.

Thanks for taking me, Teena. Now I know what the Weird Al experience is all about. Next time he comes to town, though, I think I'll hit the pool instead.

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