Monday, 11 October 2010

Gifts From the Dominican

Last week Teena and her sister, Sarah, went to Punta Cana in the Dominican Republic for a vacation. It sounds like they had a great week.

Teena came home loaded with gifts. Two different kinds of coffee, one called Dona Maria, where Teena got to watch Maria go through the roasting process and the other Cafe Tostado En Grano, which has a chocolaty aroma to it. I had the Dona Maria this morning and although it was a bitter roast, it was quite good.

I also got a nice tea shirt.

Best is that I am a fan of rum. Instead of bringing home a single big bottle, she brought 4 different Dominican rums. The middle two in the picture are extra aged. The one in the lace, Brugal Extra Viejo, I tried last night and was quite good. Looking forward to sampling the others.

The Brahma will be the Beer of the Week this week.

Thanks, Teena! You rock!


Teena in Toronto said...

My pleasure :)

Sarah said...

It sounds like you will have fun taste testing your gifts!