Starting Weight - 226.2
Weight Last Week - 218
Weight This Week - 216.2
Weight Loss This Week - 1.8
Total Weight Loss - 10
Total % Weight Loss - 4.42%
With three weeks to go, I look back.
After last week's weigh in I was not quite 1/3 of the way to the goal that I had set. I could moan, whine and wring my hands about this but progress has been made.
I have become more disciplined, although not fully, joined Weight Watchers Online and, in general, my weight is heading in the right direction.
This week, hey, I'm down 1.8 pounds. Fencing in two tournaments helped but it would be easy to pack that back on. Since I started the program in the new year, I have lost every week but one. Although I won't have lost 26 pounds by March 26th, it has all been positive and heading in the right direction.
And what did Weight Watchers have to say when I entered my weight? "You lost again this week! Congratulations, and keep doing exactly what you're doing!"
Maybe I will. Perhaps slow and steady does win the race.

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