Sunday 22 March 2009

The Rogue Creed

While I was doing some research on Rogue Ales, I came across a page which gives the Rogue Creed. What struck me was how true the points were, not only for brewing beer or running a business, but also for everyday life. So here they are for you to ponder:
"Rogues Fundamental Agreement"
1- The way ahead is clear.
2- Be honest about the battlefield.
3- Throw out the old rules that don't make sense.
4- Get out of the comfort zone.
5- Go to the front of the fight and stay there.
6- And most important, cut out all the B.S.
Rogue also developed "behavior principles" based on the Fundamental Agreement . I especially like these and again feel they can be wisely used in everyday life. Rogue calls these principles:
"The Rogue Way."
Listen generously.
Speak straight.
Be there for each other.
Honor commitments.
Give acknowledgement/appreciation.

Just some food for thought.

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