Monday, 5 September 2016

Watching the 2016 CNE Airshow from the Beach by Palais Royal

Yesterday I took pictures of the RCAF Snowbirds from our back parking lot.  Today, Teena and I headed down to the beach just to the west of Palais Royal to view the entire CNE airshow.

A Canadian Harvard.

The CF-18 Hornet.

After taking pictures of fighter jets, it was nice to be able to take one of a plane that moved much slower, a CC-130J Hercules (Herc).

A CT-156 Harvard II trainer.

And of course, the RCAF Snowbirds who fly CT-114 Tutors.

Game of chicken anybody?

It was kind of funny, but everybody on the beach clapped when two Snowbirds did a heart.

I don't usually duplicate pictures in a post, but was lucky in capturing this one, just as the reached the breakout point for their finale peace.

This brings, the airshow, the CNE and summer to a close. Next year Teena and I are thinking that next year, we may buy seats for the airshow. It's so much fun seeing all those fighters overhead.

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