Friday, 6 June 2014

First Day Stroll Around Chicago

We landed in Chicago just past noon today at Midway Airport, tossed our stuff into our room and headed out for a stroll towards Lake Michigan. I think it's very hard to take a bad picture of Chicago. It is very photo worthy!

Even the new buildings are unique. I love the design of these balconies.

Chicago is famous for its CTA "L" system trains that run above the streets and are featured in many movies. We are staying in the Loop and there is one close to our hotel. We were wondering how many cars have rammed into these girders.


This is the first time we saw this sign which was hanging outside a park. Afterwards we started seeing them on hotel doors, restaurants and many other places. You don't see these in Canada!

Millennium Park was a great spot. It has a splash pool for kids that is very creative. Water spills of the top of two tall towers at each end of the pool that people can stand under. Somehow faces are projected onto the tower and they are not just pictures as the eyes blink and the face will move. It was weird!


It is a huge park with an huge outdoor concert area. A large park is behind the seats. There is seating for 4,000 people and the lawn area can hold another 7,000!


The harbour was nice. A four masted ship was out on the lake.


However owns this yacht has some serious money. Not only is it big, but it has it's own helicopter!

The ferris wheel in the distance sits on Navy Pier. That was our next stop.

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