Friday, 21 December 2012

My 2012 Christmas Fridge

Every year at Christmas I head to the liquor store, beer store, plus receive beer as presents, all which gives me a great variety of beer for the Christmas holidays.

This year was no different.

Although a few more may be added to this collection over the weekend, this is what I have so far for the end of this year. Some are singles, others are in six packs. I did not include the Fullers Vintage Ale that I have in a cool dark place aging.

Three of the beers are from Church-Key Brewing ... the Northumberland Cream Ale, which I received from my sister, Judy and her husband Doug, the West Coast Pale Ale and a single bottle of Zwei Welten Dunkelweizen Bock which I bought from the brewery.

There also is a bottle of Skull Splitter Ocardian Ale  from Scotland, plus from England, a few Wychwood Brewery Bah Humbug Ales which I enjoy on Christmas eve. Also from England is good size bottle of the 6.5% Meantimetime London Porter.

My nephew Kyle and his wife, Kerri, gave me some Beau's Lug Tread Lagered Ale which is a Kolsch from Vankleek Hill, Ontario, about half way between Ottawa and Montreal. The Hops and Robbers from Double Trouble Brewing is also from Ontario.

I am so looking forward to exploring the Historic Ales of Scotland from Williams Brothers Brewing featuring a Gooseberry Ale, a Scots Pine Ale, an Elderberry Ale which I have written about before, plus a Heather Ale brewed in Scotland since sometime in history known as B.C.

Teena works with Dorothy from Vancouver and she gave Teena a bottle of Allagash Tripel from Portland, Maine. when they were in Montreal for their Christmas party last week. Another new brewery to try! From the same province where Dorothy lives is the Hop Head  from Tree Brewing.

Finally is Le Terrible from Unibroue Brewing in Quebec.

I will be writing about many of them but trying them all!

Happy holidays!

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