Sunday, 21 October 2012

KC's Tree and Fall Colours

Two weeks ago Teena and I headed over to Trinity Bellwoods Park to see the fall colours on KC's tree. We were surprised to find that the leaves hadn't changed. So after a couple of weeks wait, we figured we had to get over this weekend, that this may be the last chance to catch the colours.

Again we were wrong.

The tree has just started to change. Likely next weekend it will be in full colour and we'll be there.

Here are some shots of some of the trees in the park that have changed.

Where KC's tree has started to change from the bottom, this one changes from the top firs.

Trees that change from top down end up like this.

A couple of golden trees.

My favorite shot of the day. This is one of the leaves on KC's tree that has changed. 

And one more leaf shot.

More pictures next week.

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