Sunday, 2 September 2012

An Afternoon in Kensington Market

Kensington Market is perhaps the most eclectic neighborhood in Toronto.

It is full of shops of every kind, but nothing upscale ... bars, juice bars, food shops and knickknack shops galore! Today the neighborhood closes off the streets off for Pedestrian Sunday so Teena and I thought it would be a great day to head up.

Hats seem popular in the market. Many shops were selling them and even more people were wearing them. Sadly I did not get a picture of the woman wearing the golden crown!

It is a very colourful neighborhood!

We were about to eat when we saw dancing up the road. Something that looked very different. As one of the musicians explained to us afterwards, they were doing a Morris Dance, which is a very old traditional English folk dance. It was very cool to watch!

Since out Newfoundland trip, things are a little different. Teena thought this might be a good place to find cod. It wasn't but seemed to be a good place for salt cod. I can't remember what kind of fish this is (Gord, you have a digital camera ... take a picture of the sign!). Look at the teeth on this one!

As always, we ended up at Graffiti's. We know they will always have great bands playing in the afternoon and an eclectic crowd. It is one of my favorite places in the city.

The High Tides played the first set. I loved them. The seemed to play surfer style music ... think Pipeline.

Instead of a break, Burnin' Ethyl came on. They played old, fast rock n roll-style music. I loved hearing a couple of Chuck Berry tunes. Afterwards we headed home. I always have a great time in the market!

One final sign which I appreciate!

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