Saturday, 28 April 2012

An Afternoon at Bronte Creek

Today Teena and I decided to take our newly learned photography skills to Bronte Creek Provincial Park for an afternoon of hiking and taking pictures.  We have not been there since last February when we went snowshoeing. That day we never got down into the valley to Bronte Creek. We were determined to get there today.

It was a good day for a walk. Just a bit of a chill in the air. It was overcast, though, which isn't great for taking pictures. Funny how I think so differently since taking a photography course.

I forgot that April is when trilliums comes into bloom. It is the official flower of Ontario, adopted by the province in 1937. I am not into flowers and botany and am happy to live in a condo where someone else does the gardening but Bronte Creek is full of them. We saw hundreds, perhaps thousands of them and I was determined to get a perfect shot. I got some good ones.

Our day in pictures ...
I have been speaking of trilliums so here is the first one I took a shot of ... OK, I might have taken a dozen of this one, this being my favorite and it was only my second shot of it!
The Breckon Family in the late 1800's owned a farm and apple orchard where the park now stands and their home and buildings still stand. I really liked the old tractor. Having driven tractors in the past, I know what a rough ride they can be. Driving this one would be bone charring.
We made our way to the peacock enclosure. There are a couple of females and a male, which is so beautiful. He was resting when we were there the first time. When we looped back after our hike, his tail was open full, which he would rattle and shake to entice the females ... although they didn't seem too interested.
My favorite!
Some shots from along the trail.
Finally, here is Teena at work taking pictures of some hogs. To see her shots of the day, click here.

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