Saturday, 22 October 2011

KC's Tree

Our dog, KC, passed away in May of this year after 16 years. She went quickly which was a real blessing.

Teena did a wonderful thing. She contacted the city and donated a tree in KC's name to be planted in Trinity Bellwoods Park as it was KC's favorite park to take a walk in. The tree comes with a plaque to remember our girl. She did this in the summer but had to wait for the planting as trees are always planted in the fall.

This week she was notified the tree was planted and where. Today we went over for a visit. It is a beautiful tree and I am very glad it is a maple. Many of its leaves have already fallen but it looks like a very healthy tree. Like Teena says, the tree will outlive us.

Thanks, Teena. It is a beautiful way to memorialize our KC.

1 comment:

Darlene said...

That is such a lovely way to remember your sweet dog!