Tuesday, 19 September 2017

The Trinity Bellwoods Farmers Market

This afternoon I wandered over to the Trinity Bellwoods Farmers Market, which is held at the top north-west corner of Trinity Bellwoods Park at Dundas and Shaw. The market is open from 3pm-7pm every Tuesday until October 31.

There was a wide variety of farmers, wineries and fresh food to eat available. Here are a few.

Aldergrove Farm.

 Matz Fruit Barn.

Sweet Gale Gardens.

 Twin Creeks Organic Farm.

I bought some Mimolette, which is an aged Water Buffalo Cheese originally made from cow's milk in northern France, from Monforte Dairy.  I've had their Mimolette before and it's fabulous!

I also came home with a small bag of fresh casarecce pasta from Alimentari Foods. Pesto pasta for supper tomorrow night!

Trinity Bellwoods is a nice farmers market with lots of variety and has the advantage of being set up in the shade. It's worth checking out.

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