Wednesday, 21 May 2014

Supper at The Well on Ossington

Teena is away with her sister this week and tonight I didn't feel like cooking so I took a wander up Ossington Ave and stopped in to a spot that just opened up in April called The Well.

They didn't have a large variety of beer but had Mill St Tankhouse on tap, so I ordered a pint and asked for a menu. I was told it was all on the blackboard and being hungry when I went in, I was disappointed to find that the food selection consisted of only snacks.

The Pork Spring Rolls sounded good and the price was right, six small ones for $5 so I ordered a double order and took a seat by the open street window. I read while the sun beat down on me. It was enjoyable.

It didn't take long for my food to arrive. It was hot and very, very tasty. There was a seasoned honey mustard sauce with it that was very good. Some I dipped and some I just enjoyed on their own.

The Well is a nice spot and I hope it does well. John, the bartender/server, did a great job of looking after me. There are many board games lining the wall to play but I think I just want to stop in again for some more Pork Spring Rolls, a beer and a seat at the window. Or maybe that Mac and Cheese sandwich.


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