Wednesday, 26 June 2013

J. Cole Concert Pre-concert Lineup at 99 Sudbury

Imagine my surprise as I walked up the street towards home and saw this huge crowd of people at the end of my street.

They were lined up right past our house and I asked someone what was going on and found it it was a pop-up J. Cole concert at 99 Sudbury Street.

Although the crowd was very well-behaved but messy, the area was well-policed with officers on foot, bike and horseback.

I was speaking to a few officers on crowd control and found out there were 400 wristband given out for the concert and an estimated 2,500 people on hand. Only those near the front were getting in. Again, they were all well-behaved but messy.

Oh did I say the kids were messy?

Here is the mess in front of 99 Sudbury. Wouldn't you love to live in a condo across the street from this mess!?

Of course, 99 Sudbury protected their own property. A good corporate neighbor may have had the crowd queue through their parking lot but chose instead to protect it and have the mess be left behind on the street and neighborhood lawns.

99 Sudbury has always been a very poor corporate neighbor and continue to be so.

Anybody hungry? This was left behind on our lawn. We kicked it onto the sidewalk for the seagulls. Thanks again, 99!

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