When I originally researched the brewery I could find next to nothing on it's history. The brewery website is all in German with no English translation. This year is no different. The most I could find is that the brewery is one of the oldest privately owned breweries in Bavaria, perhaps 350 years old and is located in Sonthofen in the Alps. A very scenic town I would love to visit! It is pictured in the bottom of this review.
So it's time to try their beer.

This beer is 4.7%
True to it's description the beer is straw coloured with a white head. There is a slight hop aroma to this. At first the beer tastes a little weak and watery, but then the delicious lager hop presence makes itself known. This is no North American big brewery tasteless lager but a lager made the way one should be.
A fabulous beer to start my tasting.
The beer pours brown in colour with a with a white head perhaps with a slight brownish tinge. As said above, there is no aroma to this. This beer like the last one, starts off a little tasteless and watery, then the malt comes though. There is a slight bitterness to this, which I believe must come from the roasted malt as I do not detect any hop bite to this. To me this dunkel is a little weak tasting but still very enjoyable.
This beer pours very dark in colour with a brownish head. I can smell the malt in the aroma. It definitely has a thicker mouth feel. No wateriness here!
It is not a bitter beer but one which is very malty. This is a full flavoured beer! The taste is immediate. A slight bitterness comes from the malt, and the flavour is full from start to finish. I really like this beer.
What was my original review? I haven't looked at it till now "I popped the top and had a pour. The beer does pour with a nice head. It is a dark coppery colour with a inviting fragrance.

Caramel! That is the flavour I was having a hard time describing today.
All three beers in the package were enjoyable. I love how they were all true Bavarian beers (biers?) of different styles.
Thanks Doug! Thanks Judy!
I had fun giving these a try!
Beer of the Week Stats
Beers Profiled 141
Countries 27
Breweries 123
Provinces 8
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