Saturday, 7 August 2010

A Taste of the Danforth

Teena and I jumped on the subway and headed over to A Taste of the Danforth. This is the 17th edition and we had never been, so this year we decided to see what the fuss was all about.

Approximately 2 kilometres of Danforth Avenue is closed from Broadview Avenue to past Jones Avenue for the festival and 1.2 million are expected to attend over the three days in which it is held.

Greektown Taste of the Danforth sponsored by Pilaros is one of Toronto's signature events, showcasing the best of Hellenic food, culture, and music our multicultural city has to offer - from souvlaki to mezes, authentic Greek music to interactive children's games!

We got off the subway and Donlands and walked through the festival from one end to the other. I found it crowded, too many long lineups for food and freebies and not enough entertainment. I found it to be lacking any kind of fun, although seeing a line-up of about 50 people to get a chance to brush their teeth in public to try out a new toothpaste was amusing.

Now we know what the festival is all about. We both decided that this was our first and last one.

Quail on a spit. Obviously lots would be sold.

Calamari anyone? Yuck!

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