Thursday, 17 June 2010

G20 Preparations

Toronto is getting ready for the G20 summit. It is a huge project and, like it or not, it's on our doorstep.

My office is located in the "Yellow" zone, so is not fenced off. To be sure that we can continue to take calls in case our building goes into a lock down state, 11 of us are being located further outside the zone to a branch office.

The lower windows of our building have all been replaced with Lexan polycarbonate to be shatterproof.

The entire downtown is going into lockdown!

I took a walk at lunch and took some shots.

The CN Tower

Wellington Street

Blue Jays had to relocate this weekends game to Philadelphia

Front Street

The Convention Centre where the meetings take place

Already there is a high police presence in the area, something I am glad of

Every corner in the area has surveillance cameras

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