Thursday, 1 January 2009

My Top 5 Beers of 2008

It seems that most everyone has a year end list.

I love top 5 lists, as my Facebook friends can attest to. I have tried many new beers this past year and find it hard to pick a top 5, let alone put them in any order. One day I may feel like a Pilsner, another day maybe an ale or a nice tasty stout.

So not in any particular order here are my Top 5 favorite bottled brews of 2008. I have tagged those that I have written about.

Steam Whistle Pilsner - Toronto, Ontario
Has been a favorite of mine since my first taste years ago.

Sgt Major IPA - Carlton Place, Ontario
I just discovered this at the beginning of December. I have to get my local LCBO to carry this as I have found myself doing the 15 minute drive over to Queens Quay to get some.

Fullers 1845 - London England
I discovered something special in this. Currently my favorite English Ale.

St-Ambroise Oatmeal Stout - Montreal Quebec
A smooth and creamy stout. Watch out Guinness!

Grolsch - Enschede Holland
I am constantly surprised that this is a lager, as it reminds me of a Pilsner. Sure is tasty. And has been a favorite of mine for years.

I can hardly wait to crack open some new finds in 2009!

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