Tuesday 6 July 2021

The Seventh Devil by Suzanne Craig-Whytock

I finished reading a preview copy of The Seventh Devil. 

When nineteen-year-old runaway Verity Darkwood, flat broke and devastated by guilt, takes refuge in a bar to escape the unwanted attention of a stranger, she doesn't expect to meet Gareth Winter, let alone become business partners with him. 

They discover that they each possess the ability to interact with the world "beyond the veil" and, with the help of Horace Greeley III, editor of the fantastical online journal The Echo, Verity and Gareth spend the next two years on the road, helping the earthbound spirits who haunt their clients to cross over, or exorcising the demons that plague them. 

But when they stumble upon a series of unsolved child abductions spanning decades which are eerily similar to the circumstances surrounding the disappearance of Verity's younger sister, they embark on a pursuit that will take them across Canada in their quest to find The Seventh Devil, the dangerous and mysterious figure who may be behind it all

I don’t usually read ghost stories but I’m sure glad I did this one. It’s a ghost story. It’s a chase. It’s a mystery. All in all it’s a fast paced, engrossing story which should be added to your reading list.

About Suzanne Craig-Whytock

Love of literature and writing came to Suzanne Craig-Whytock at an early age and continued into adulthood, leading her to earn an Honours Bachelor of Arts degree in English Language and Literature from Wilfrid Laurier University. She has worked in education most of her life and was a high school English teacher in Ontario for over 20 years. She has authored both fiction and non-fiction works, from short stories and poetry to academic documents and educational resource materials. She regularly publishes humorous essays focused on city life, politics, current events, and popular culture on her website.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thank you, Gord!