Wednesday 19 September 2012

Dragon's Den Newest Dragon?

No, I'm not the newest Dragon in the den but a big fan of the show. You need a heck of a lot more money than I have in the bank to be on the show. David Chilton, author of the Wealthy Barber is the newest Dragon.

This afternoon to the Dragons were on hand to promote the 7th season of CBC's Dragons Den.

 Launching a business is no small task. No matter how big an idea you think you have, it still takes a lot of work and a ton of cash. Enter the Dragons' Den, where aspiring entrepreneurs pitch their business concepts and products to a panel of Canadian business moguls who have the cash and the know-how make it happen. They've all been there themselves, so you better not walk into the Den unprepared. It takes more than passion to convince these boardroom giants that your idea is worth their attention. The Dragons are ruthless and rightly so - it's their own personal money on the line.

Past idea pitchers were there selling their products and in the main atrium were the Dragons. First there was a question and answer period, followed by an autograph signing. I only made it to the signing. All the Dragons seem to have books out and everyone in line seemed to have at least one in hand.

Yes, I did get a couple of Arlene Dickinson.

It was crowded and hard to get good shots but here is Jim Treliving. He is a big guy!

I didn't get one of Kevin O'Leary, except for the panel shot at the top. Here is Bruce Croxon.

And finally Diane Buckner who hosts the show. She actually smiled a lot, I just missed it.

I'm looking very forward to the new season!

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