Monday, 25 August 2008

Steam Whistle Prize Pack

Gord won this contest last week.

We met up with Troy from Great Canadian Pubs and Beers this evening to pick up Gord's prize at Smokeless Joe's (John/Adelaide W).

What did Gord win? A Steam Whistle black T-shirt, green bottle opener, "steam whistle" and a VIP tour of the brewery with nine of his closest friends (an intimate and interactive tour of the brewery and look at how four all-natural ingredients are transformed into a world class pilsner. The VIP tour will also include pizza, one souvenir per person, ice-cold pints and the "Good Beer Folks Guarantee" of a fun and memorable time.)

Needless to say, I've secured a spot on the tour! Whoohoo!

Here's Troy giving Gord his prize.

Troy had a pint with us and then had to leave (he had a surprise out-of-town guest).

We watched Colin shuck some oysters.

They let us in the beer fridge!

The bar boasts 250 beers ... here are some of your choices

I had a couple Cameron Cream Ale drafts and Gord had a Stratford Common, a Durham Black Katt Stout and a Durham Extra Special Bitter.

Here's Gord outside Shoeless Joe's.

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